Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OH! Lincoln!!!...

is what I have found myself saying ALOT these days... Sometimes it's in a "You are so cute" way, and sometimes it's in a "What in the heck are you doing?!!!" sort of way. Lincoln is at that stage where you realize they really aren't babies anymore. I forget how smart toddlers are and how quickly they pick up on things and figure them out (especially the things you don't want them to.) He is so curious about everything, and doesn't comprehend when somethings not a great idea. Here are just a few of his new interests, and a look at how fun the last couple months have been around our house...

#1. the TOLIET everything goes in the toliet, from basketballs, to toys, to a whole box of tampons, whatever he can find, this day he was stirring my eyebrow pencil in the water... looks like I'll be needing a new one of those. (check out the guilty little look. he now understands he's going to get in trouble, but that just makes it even more fun right?)

#2. CLIMBING out of his seats, even the straps in the grocery carts or in his stollers will no longer contain the little worm. One day I left him in his highchair eating lunch and went back to my room to do something and came out to find him sitting on the counter eating the ice (which he loves) out of my ice water. He had climbed out of his chair and to the other side of my island. I know, I was lucky he didn't fall off the counter.

#3. HATS, he loves to put on hats and walk around with them on :)
#4. any little BOX that he will perfectly fit in. He loves to sit in the laundry basket while I'm folding laundry, he loves to climb on top of them too.
#5. ICE, as I mentioned before. One day my brother's dog (which btw is the ONLY dog allowed in my house, I can't even believe I let him in) was licking ice off my floor and I guess Linc decided that it looked like a blast so he just joined right on in. Luckily I had mopped the floor that morning, which rarely happens these days.

#6. DANCING! check out these sweet dances moves. I guess it's really just one, he just bounces and swings his one arm. We call it "The Linky Dink".

So even though he can sometimes be a little fart, he's a pretty darn cute little fart and I guess we'll keep him :)


jessica said...

Cute stuff Ash! A lot of it so reminded me of Gunnar...we are living similar lives! Gunnar did the same thing on my kitchen island...thank goodness I was right there and he didn't fall too. Little stinkers! And Ashton used to dance just like that!!! I love it! Maybe next week will finally slow down enough to do lunch...

Sarah Schwartz said...

He is growing up too fast. It was fun to watch him wondering around the back yards today. He was so cute!

jwoodruff said...

How fun! I don't know a mother that hasn't gone through the curiousity of the toilet. My kids never flushed foreign objects but both of them were very fond of putting the start of the toilet paper roll in the toilet, flushing and watching it roll. I can't tell you how many rolls we went through.

julie said...

Hi Honey, did you noticed I left the dear off? I LOVED
your post of "Oh Lincoln", what a darling, fun and active little boy you have. I guess I'll find out all about it in a month(HUH). Anyway I guess you can't leave him in his high-chair anymore. How scary was that to find him sitting on top of your counter? My favorite part was him dancing in your bedroom, I love to watch it,I get a good laugh. We'll be seeing you in a week at Brock's blesssing. Take Care and give the kids HUGS and KISSES from Grandma Julie. Love you, Mom

Jillian said...

He is so cute, and getting so big...Not that he hasn't always been!! :)

Courtney McKay said...

He is so cute!! That age is a hard age!! But they grow up so fast and then we get sad!!

Chase and Nahomi said...

your little linc is so cute! is it weird that I think he looks like dave?!?! now I know what I have to look forward to with Liv in a few months..

Sid and Michelle said...

Lincoln is so funny!!! He really does get into everything and wants to do things on his own. See you this weekend

Rich and Tyra said...

oh he IS a cute little fart!!! I would keep him too!

Jas & Cam Fam said...

He is so stinkin cute! I love his little baby boy look and his beautiful blue eyes.
Man you guys go all out for Easter...I mean your easter bunny! Can I come over next year? looks fun!