so this is why us mom's can't ever find the time to exercise or do anything for ourselves (for that matter) that require not paying attention to our toddlers for more than 2 minutes..........
The other day I was on the treadmill, and thought I hadn't heard Lincoln for a while (which usually means he's up to no good), and when he didn't come when I called his name I knew I better go find him.....this is what I found :) Needless to say the rest of my allotted time for working out was spent cleaning up his mess.
.......and this was the next day, while I was in my room getting ready!
an entire NEW bag of pretzels and was pouring water on them and stepping on them. The worst part is his new little thing is whenever he does something he's not suppose to, or I tell him no! no! he says " ha, ha" and laughs :) what a little fart!!! There is SO a reason we forget some of these stages.
7 years ago