Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Exciting Weekend!

This weekend I had the opportunity of hosting the quarterly Tecmo Bowl Tournament Yeah! "Quarterly" (they call it) Justin and his buddies get together and have a Tecmo Tournament (apparently its some game from highschool they use to play, it is so old school) It makes them feel like their 16 again I guess. They've been doing it forever, and just take turns at each others houses so they end up at our house once a year or every other. I try to be in Vernal or get out of town when its at our house but this year for the first time I got to attend. They are pretty serious about the whole thing the furniture has to be rearranged, there has to be plenty of food and it goes until there is a final winner. Which in this case was three o'clock in the morning, sometimes it later. I know its kinda crazy, but I really am okay with it. Justin has been working so much lately he really needed a break and I think its great Justin keeps in touch with his highschool friends, some of them live out of the valley now and they even make the commute. There such awesome guys, and are always welcome at our house. Plus it doesn't hurt when I want to go to dinner or a movie with the girls. I just have to remind Justin his Tecmo Tournaments are worth like two girls night outs :)


Hanne and Fam said...

I was going to ask what Tecmo was but I figured it out! Dirk and his brothers do this too every few months with the playstations. It must be a guy thing!

melissa said...

Hi! thanks for introducing me to the world of merkley blogs! i never knew you were all on here.

and thanks for the picts of the kids, my mom had been bragging about the ones you sent her and now i have my own :)

tell the kids hi!

Rich and Tyra said...

Too funny! I think it looks like fun! That is great that they are all still friends and keep in touch with each other. So, lets have a girls night out!!! :)

Dave and Alisha said...

ha I should have left directions... haha jk. What I did was just type it all new, so you can do that or you could try to high light the tag copy and paste it onto your post?? Im not really sure if there is a real or for sure way to do it. I think it is just as easy to make it up on your own. So do what ever you want good luck!

Janalee Hubbard said...

That is hilarious, I have never heard of Tecmo! Hey, whatever keeps you in touch with friends is a good thing to do!